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How do I become a member?
To become a member, complete a Membership Application form and attend an upcoming Monthly Membership meeting. You will need to pay Membership dues (see Membership Information flyer) and understand the Benefits and Obligations of membership.
Can I attend shoots if I am not a member?
Yes! Nearly all of our shoots are open to the public, so even non-members can attend. Non-Public Events won’t be advertised in a public forum.
How can I get my membership-required hours?
There are many ways to fulfill your work hours obligation:
  • When the club hosts a shoot, a “Work Party” will be scheduled to help prepare for and clean-up after a shoot.
  • Bartenders are always needed for league nights and shoot events.
  • Throughout the year there are various projects to maintain the club and the website will be populated with “Work Party” events.
  • You can also help out with one of the various leagues that the club hosts; to get involved with a league, reach out to the League chair for any opportunities.
  • Also, if you see something that needs done, Do it! Don’t hesitate to take ownership of your club. This is not a country club, we don’t employ a staff.
  • Don't forget to record your time by completing one of the little yellow slips, having it signed, if someone is available, and depositing it into the wooden box labeled "HOURS" on the cabinet between the Registration Desk and the popcorn maker.
Can I join the club if I don’t know how to shoot archery?
Of course! We accept all members of various experience levels. While we don’t have staffed coaches, we do have members with many years of experience who typically are more than willing to offer assistance.
Connect with us at to arrange a meeting with someone who may specifically meet your needs.
Do I need to compete if I join the club?
No! While we do have a number of members who do compete, we also have many members who enjoy shooting for fun.
Who do I ask if I have questions?
All members are willing to answer any questions you may have. You may also reach out to or refer to our website at
How do leagues work? What if I don’t know anyone or have a team?
Leagues are like reoccuring shoots that occur for a few weeks (typically lasting 8-10 weeks) We offer many different leagues, and each league functions a little differently. If you don’t know anyone or have a team, please use the contact information provided on the posted flyer or on the website. You also have the option to simply show up to the first night of the league, and the league chairperson will be able to place you into a team.
Here are a few of the leagues we offer:
  • Indoor Spot League: this league is for spot shooters. The league starts with Vegas targets for the first couple of weeks, but the rest of the league moves to NFAA targets. This league typically starts in early January./li>
  • Youth League: this league is for kids (<18 years old) and provides basic safety instruction. The goal is to introduce kids to archery and get them excited about shooting! This league typically starts in early January.
  • Winter Animal League: this is an indoor league where the targets are paper animal targets. This league typically starts in early January.
  • Spring Animal League: This is an outdoor league similar to the Fall Animal League. Outdoor courses rotated weekly. Burlap Animal Targets. League typically starts in late April.
  • Field League: this is an outdoor, spot league that consists of Field and Hunter rounds (more information on Field Round and Hunter Round). A different range is shot every week. This league typically starts in Spring.
  • Tower League: this is an outdoor, member-only 3D league that consists of shooting off of our elevated platform, or “tower”. This league typically starts in August.
  • Fall Animal League: this is an outdoor league where the targets are cloth animals on target bales. Each night of league, a different course is shot, rotating between our various outdoor ranges. This league typically starts in late summer to coincide ending with the start of the Wisconsin Archery Hunting Season in the Fall.
Can I join if I don’t shoot a compound bow or a traditional bow or use sights?
Yes! We do have Genesis bows that we offer our members to use, if you do not have your own bow to shoot. We do not allow crossbows.
Can I join if I only shoot to hunt?
Yes! Our indoor range (up to 20 yds) is available to shoot all-year round to keep you practicing for hunting season; members receive 24/7 access to the range. We have many different outdoor ranges which provide practice at longer distances (up to 80 yds). Additionally, we offer an elevated platform, called the “tower” which allows you to practice from elevation, similar to shooting from a treestand. Please note that if you need to shoot broadheads, you should bring your own target to shoot; please shoot broadheads outside only.
Can I join if I only shoot target archery?
Yes! Our indoor range (up to 20 yds) is available to shoot all-year round and members receive 24/7 access to practice at their convenience. Outdoors we offer practice range settings out to 80 yards.
Why don’t you allow Crossbows?
In order to sustain the quality of our targets, we do not allow crossbows. Additionally, we have not certified our ranges as safe for crossbow use. Due to the advanced velocity of a crossbow bolt we feel there is a potential to exceed the liability limitations in place with our insurance.
Can I use the kitchen?
Yes! We ask that you clean up after yourself and ensure that the stove/oven is turned off when you leave. As a member, this is your clubhouse. Leave it a little bit better than you find it and it will be great for the next usage.
Can I shoot broadheads?
If you need to shoot broadheads, please bring your own target to shoot, outside only.
Kenosha Bowmen Is Located 2 Miles West of I-94 on the South Side of Hwy 50 Across from the North Bristol Cemetery.

15211 75th St. (37.96 Mi)
Bristol, Wisconsin 53104
(262) 857-9908